Read these rules & policies over well before you sign up for anything. If you do not agree with something DO NOT sign up. We do not make exceptions. Once you submit a sign up form for an event, you agree to everything outlined below.
No crafter/vendor is permitted to setup prior to the stated time for the event.
We do NOT provide anything for your display. You must bring everything you need
Indoor events if we have electricity available to use it will be stated with the event. Most events we do not. For indoor shows if we state no power and you plug in anyways, you will be removed from the event.
For outdoor shows we allow you to bring a generator. This generator must be quiet and placed away from vendors. If you can’t make that work, you will not use one.
This group just like any other are not responsible for weather during outdoor events. If weather is an issue prior, we will announce on our Facebook event page if we decide to cancel the event. NOTE: CraftoberFest DOES NOT get cancelled over weather unless conditions are very bad. Organizers are the only ones allowed to cancel any show. If a show is cancelled 100% due to weather each attending will have that credit placed for future use.
If weather comes during a show and 50% or more is completed the show is complete. If less than 50% of that show is completed all attending will get 50% off another show. All attending vendors should make sure to have everything you need to protect your items from the weather such as canopies, sides and weights.
During Holly Days we require each attending vendor to gift an item of their choice which will be drawn by shoppers coming to the show at the end of the event.
All of our announcements are made on our Facebook page. Make sure you are part of it.
All event announcements are made on that event page. Also make sure you are following that.
Our Facebook page is
Each event has a Facebook Event page in which you MUST be following. You are also required to this event after you sign up. This helps to bring attention and traffic to the event you are part of.
We handle 99% of the advertising but the remaining 1% is on you. Sharing the event youa re attending brings this event to the people who follow you. This helps the event in a whole.
We will place vendors as we see fit depending on what they have. We will do this to ensure that 2 vendors of like kind items are not next to each other. (It only makes sense)
We do not allow any attending crafter/vendor to consume any alcohol at all. If we catch any crafter/vendor consuming an alcoholic beverage at one of our events, you will be banned for good with all fees paid forfeit. It is not a liability we will accept.
When you sign up for an event it is you who must be attending. We do not allow any craft/vendor to sell off or ask someone else to take their place. If you have to find a replacement you need to contact us first. The registered vendor must always be at the booth unless previously discussed and approved by us.
Indoor events are 8x8
Outdoor event are 10x10
Outdoor event canopies are allowed of course, but you must remember to bring weights. We always run into a risk of wind, good weights are a must. In case of slight weather make sure your stuff is setup in a way to avoid having it blown over all the time.
Each Crafter-Vendor is responsible for their own setup. Do not come to an event and expect that we are going to help you do something you should be doing yourself. If people are available, they will help. But everyone who is present is busy getting their own stuff setup. If setting up a booth is something you cannot do by yourself, you should be bringing help and not depending on others at the event to do it for you.
If you are signed up for an event and you do not show you will be banned from this group for good with all fees paid forfeit. We require at least a 72 hour notice. Certain circumstances will be addressed individually.
Check your schedule before you start signing up. We do not allow vendors to sign up for our events and later cancel because they claim they double booked. We do check and 90% of the time they signed up for someone else after us. We will not refund for that period.
We expect all who are attending our events to dress appropriate. We have families that come to our events and we will not allow someone to be present who does not know how to dress. Skimpy and revealing clothes will not be tolerated.
You must pay attention to your expiration date on all products you are selling. If we find you are selling items that are expired or close to being expired without enough time to use the product you will be banned with all fees paid forfeited.
We do not allow any vendor to sell nor have samples of any type of product that contains even the small amount of alcohol. No exceptions. Any vendor who is caught doing such will be banned with all fees paid forfeit.
Your invoice for payment for events will come from Graffix Plus PC (James).
You will have 48 hours to complete payment for that invoice, if you fail to do so you will not be sent another one and will no longer be able to attend event with Misfit Crafters. So make sure you are ready to pay when you sign up.
We do not give refunds. There have been some situations that we have given a refund, however that is for our discretion and will be discussed between the coordinators before making the decision.
Our cancelled show policy is stated above.
With each event we list what the crafters are bringing. At the top we state if an item is no longer allowed. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!
If we state not to bring a certain item because someone else already is and you bring it anyways you will be removed from the event, banned from this group with all fees paid forfiet.
Make sure you are standing up and interacting with your customers. Sitting in a chair not only looks bad but it also leaves you without any sales because the customer walked right on by.
I understand that any bad talk/slander/harassment or defamation of the groups promoters or vendors will not be tolerated in any way and I could face civil action for such.
If you have an issue, bring it to either James or Heather so we can help figure it out and get it resolved.
I understand that any bad talk/slander/harassment or defamation of the groups promoters or vendors will not be tolerated in any way and I could face civil action for such.
If you have an issue, bring it to either James or Heather so we can help figure it out and get it resolved.
If we catch or hear of a vendor doing any of the above, they wil be banned from the group with all fees paid forfiet.
James of Graffix Plus
Heather of Everything but the Sink
No other person ahs authority over this group in any way. No other group or person is allowed to take sign ups, answers questions or act as an official of this group in any way.
If you see an event being pushed by someone not listed above requesting people/vendors to sign up with them REPORT THEM TO US IMMEDIATLY!
If you do not agree with anything you read above DO NOT sign up for our events. Whether you like/agree or not, you WILL be held to and expect to abide by everything stated above.
No crafter/vendor is permitted to setup prior to the stated time for the event.
We do NOT provide anything for your display. You must bring everything you need
Indoor events if we have electricity available to use it will be stated with the event. Most events we do not. For indoor shows if we state no power and you plug in anyways, you will be removed from the event.
For outdoor shows we allow you to bring a generator. This generator must be quiet and placed away from vendors. If you can’t make that work, you will not use one.
This group just like any other are not responsible for weather during outdoor events. If weather is an issue prior, we will announce on our Facebook event page if we decide to cancel the event. NOTE: CraftoberFest DOES NOT get cancelled over weather unless conditions are very bad. Organizers are the only ones allowed to cancel any show. If a show is cancelled 100% due to weather each attending will have that credit placed for future use.
If weather comes during a show and 50% or more is completed the show is complete. If less than 50% of that show is completed all attending will get 50% off another show. All attending vendors should make sure to have everything you need to protect your items from the weather such as canopies, sides and weights.
During Holly Days we require each attending vendor to gift an item of their choice which will be drawn by shoppers coming to the show at the end of the event.
All of our announcements are made on our Facebook page. Make sure you are part of it.
All event announcements are made on that event page. Also make sure you are following that.
Our Facebook page is
Each event has a Facebook Event page in which you MUST be following. You are also required to this event after you sign up. This helps to bring attention and traffic to the event you are part of.
We handle 99% of the advertising but the remaining 1% is on you. Sharing the event youa re attending brings this event to the people who follow you. This helps the event in a whole.
We will place vendors as we see fit depending on what they have. We will do this to ensure that 2 vendors of like kind items are not next to each other. (It only makes sense)
We do not allow any attending crafter/vendor to consume any alcohol at all. If we catch any crafter/vendor consuming an alcoholic beverage at one of our events, you will be banned for good with all fees paid forfeit. It is not a liability we will accept.
When you sign up for an event it is you who must be attending. We do not allow any craft/vendor to sell off or ask someone else to take their place. If you have to find a replacement you need to contact us first. The registered vendor must always be at the booth unless previously discussed and approved by us.
Indoor events are 8x8
Outdoor event are 10x10
Outdoor event canopies are allowed of course, but you must remember to bring weights. We always run into a risk of wind, good weights are a must. In case of slight weather make sure your stuff is setup in a way to avoid having it blown over all the time.
Each Crafter-Vendor is responsible for their own setup. Do not come to an event and expect that we are going to help you do something you should be doing yourself. If people are available, they will help. But everyone who is present is busy getting their own stuff setup. If setting up a booth is something you cannot do by yourself, you should be bringing help and not depending on others at the event to do it for you.
If you are signed up for an event and you do not show you will be banned from this group for good with all fees paid forfeit. We require at least a 72 hour notice. Certain circumstances will be addressed individually.
Check your schedule before you start signing up. We do not allow vendors to sign up for our events and later cancel because they claim they double booked. We do check and 90% of the time they signed up for someone else after us. We will not refund for that period.
We expect all who are attending our events to dress appropriate. We have families that come to our events and we will not allow someone to be present who does not know how to dress. Skimpy and revealing clothes will not be tolerated.
You must pay attention to your expiration date on all products you are selling. If we find you are selling items that are expired or close to being expired without enough time to use the product you will be banned with all fees paid forfeited.
We do not allow any vendor to sell nor have samples of any type of product that contains even the small amount of alcohol. No exceptions. Any vendor who is caught doing such will be banned with all fees paid forfeit.
Your invoice for payment for events will come from Graffix Plus PC (James).
You will have 48 hours to complete payment for that invoice, if you fail to do so you will not be sent another one and will no longer be able to attend event with Misfit Crafters. So make sure you are ready to pay when you sign up.
We do not give refunds. There have been some situations that we have given a refund, however that is for our discretion and will be discussed between the coordinators before making the decision.
Our cancelled show policy is stated above.
With each event we list what the crafters are bringing. At the top we state if an item is no longer allowed. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS!
If we state not to bring a certain item because someone else already is and you bring it anyways you will be removed from the event, banned from this group with all fees paid forfiet.
Make sure you are standing up and interacting with your customers. Sitting in a chair not only looks bad but it also leaves you without any sales because the customer walked right on by.
I understand that any bad talk/slander/harassment or defamation of the groups promoters or vendors will not be tolerated in any way and I could face civil action for such.
If you have an issue, bring it to either James or Heather so we can help figure it out and get it resolved.
I understand that any bad talk/slander/harassment or defamation of the groups promoters or vendors will not be tolerated in any way and I could face civil action for such.
If you have an issue, bring it to either James or Heather so we can help figure it out and get it resolved.
If we catch or hear of a vendor doing any of the above, they wil be banned from the group with all fees paid forfiet.
James of Graffix Plus
Heather of Everything but the Sink
No other person ahs authority over this group in any way. No other group or person is allowed to take sign ups, answers questions or act as an official of this group in any way.
If you see an event being pushed by someone not listed above requesting people/vendors to sign up with them REPORT THEM TO US IMMEDIATLY!
If you do not agree with anything you read above DO NOT sign up for our events. Whether you like/agree or not, you WILL be held to and expect to abide by everything stated above.
Copyright 2015 MisfitCrafters Website by Graffix Plus of New Ulm